Episode #281

News Items

    Science or Fiction

    • Item #1 Science

      Researchers at UBC have found that an organism with the world’s smallest nuclear genome, E. cuniculi, can have 20% of its genes removed with no impact on its function. http://www.publicaffairs.ubc.ca/2010/09/20/mr-10-132/

    • Item #2 Science

      UBC researchers have been able to directly observe for the first time, the moment when electrons in a super conductor transition from coherent particles into a superconducting state. http://www.science.ubc.ca/news/473

    • Item #3 Fiction

      UBC researchers have discovered a marsh-dwelling freshwater fish that can evolve to survive in a saltwater marine environment in only 3 generations. http://www.science.ubc.ca/news/449

    Skeptical Quote of the Week.