Episode #144

News Items

    Interview with Simon Singh

    • http://www.simonsingh.net/

    Follow Up

    • Oldest Living ThingHi guys,you’ve probably had lots of emails on your comments about that 10 000 year old spruce clone and how it’s the oldest living thing around. If not, can I please bring to your attention a plant here in Tasmania called Lomatia tasmanica (pron. low-may-shea). Like that spruce, it’s a clone, and it’s thought to be 43 000 years old. In your face Sweden!See the section titled Ecology and management in the pdf found at this URL:www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/Attachments/SSKA-756W2H/$FILE/Lomatia%20tasmanica.pdfLove your show by the way,cheers,Andrew WalshAustralia, Tasmania
    • Dear SGU,As you continue to become more popular, I feel you need to tap into a younger demographic. Seeing as I am a huge fan of the show, and a college student; I thought I’d be so kind to help. Using my knowledge from my marketing classes, I realized that if SGU wants to get more college age listeners they need something special. And as we all know, College age people love to drink. I thus was kind enough to put together a little SGU drinking game to hopefully help you get a younger demographic. Nothing like a bunch of drunk people gathered around a computer listening to some Skeptics, eh? Here it is.The SGU Drinking GameDrink if:Rebecca Watson makes a corny joke.A Logical Fallacy is mentionedPerry DeAngelis is mentioned, drink in honor.A Novella makes a Star Trek referenceThere is a long, boring conversation about birds that nobody has any interest in.Steve Novella gets technical talking about the brainJames Randi is mentioned.Someone say a bad punEvan does a this day in history.Drink if the following words are spoken:-Darwin-Evolution-Agnostic-PseudoscienceDrink entire time during quote of the week.If you guess Science or Fiction correctly, pick someone else in the room to drink.And for the truly daring.Drink entire time Bob Novella reasons through Science or Fiction.Sincerely your drunkest SGU fan,-Keith Waznonis L-Town, USA

    Science or Fiction

    • Item #1 Fiction

      Biologists have rediscovered a lizard which was transplanted to an island 36 years ago then left undisturbed. What they found had undergone so much evolutionary change that, while still a lizard, warrants a new family designation of its own.

    • Item #2 Science

      New study shows that sign language interpreters have among the highest risk for carpal tunnel syndrome and other ergonomic injuries, even higher than factory assembly line workers.

    • Item #3 Science

      Hong Kong Flu – A new study shows that most influenza virus outbreaks do originate in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and then spread around the globe.

    Skeptical Quote of the Week.