Episode #156

News Items

    Interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson

    • Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History and Visiting Research Scientist and Lecturer at Princeton University.He is the author of may popular books on Astronomy including The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America’s Favorite PlanetandDeath By Black Hole, And Other Cosmic Quandaries

    Changing Minds

    • Hi guys. Love the show.On the last podcast (#154) Dr Edell brought up the point that many people when asked what evidence would change their mind about a particular subject, are unable to answer, or state that no evidence would change their opinion.I was thinking about this in relation to my own beliefs, and to my dismay I discovered that I might actually be the same as those people.I’m an atheist – so I was wondering what kind of evidence would convince me that there was a god of some sort. My first thought were some proof that evolution couldn’t happen by natural means, or that life could never have originated unaided. But truthfully, in that situation I would just say that the science until then was wrong, and wait for the next theory.Even if God himself (or herself) appeared before me, I would just put it down to some mental illness and seek professional help.So for fear of becoming as close-minded as the true-believers, can you think of what kind of evidence would prove to you guys (and should prove to people like me) that evolution didn’t happen, or that there is a creator god, or that homeopathy works, etc.Any advice is appreciated.Keep up the good work.Cam SteerMelbourne, Australia

    Science or Fiction

    • Item #1 Science

      Researchers have discovered a genetic variation that makes people of African descent more susceptible to HIV infection.

    • Item #2 Fiction

      Using a new technique to measure the mass of black holes, astronomers have found that the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is more than 1000 times more massive than previously estimated.

    • Item #3 Science

      In a newly published study medical scientists predict that global warming will lead to more kidney stones.

    Skeptical Quote of the Week.