Episode #277

News Items

Who's That Noisy

  • Answer to last week: Pulsars from a globular cluster

Interview with Jamy Ian Swiss

  • http://www.jamyianswiss.com/index.htm

Question #1 – Banana Ripening

  • Here is weird one. A co-worker of mine has an odd habit of laying bananas out over her desk. she tells me that this is because a banana will ripen faster if it is touching another banana. now I’ve heard the old tale that you can ripen other fruit by putting a banana next to it, but i haven’t heard that you need to separate bananas from each other. is there any validity to her claim or is she simply bananas? Sean Dowling Brisbane PS. I won the additional tickets lottery and can go to TAMoz! prepare to be shaken by the hand, rouges.

Science or Fiction

Skeptical Quote of the Week.