Episode #288

News Items

Who's That Noisy

  • Answer to last week: a cat

Question #1 – The Sun as Battery

  • Hello SGU – You guys are tremendous, witty, and knowledgeable. I’m so glad I found you one day about 8 months ago while looking for new science podcasts. Here in Colorado, the healthiest and most intelligent state in the Union :), we love SGU! I’m working in the renewable energy industry now, so once in a while I get a cool-aid-chugging friend sending me links and info on what usually turns out to be your average perpetual motion/free energy machine. This link is slightly different. Yes, this guy has all the credentials necessary for permanent residency in Cookville, USA, but there does appear to be an actual scientific effect going on here, so I thought you could set me straight on what I’m seeing. http://greenecoclub.com/tesla/ Enjoy, Tom Boyd Denver CO
  • Sharks swimming on the streets of (flooded) Australia Jay will certainly love this one: http://www.thechronicle.com.au/story/2011/01/14/ipswich-bull-sharks-spotted-flood-affected-streets/ Love the show, by the way! Cheers, Felipe Campelo Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Science or Fiction

Skeptical Quote of the Week.