Episode #47

News Items

    Interview with Zachary Moore

    • www.drzach.net/evolution101/Zachary Moore, PhD calls himself an ‘average Scientist At Large, specializing in molecular biology.’ He is the host of the science podcast: Evolution 101. He also authors a blog: The Writings of a Mad Scientist. Dr. Zach earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is currently a Graduate Assistant, University of Texas, Department of Pathology and Laboratory MedicineHe lists his interests as: ‘religion, jeet kune do, the outdoors, cinema, Tolkien, sasquatch, and homebrewing beer.’

    Consensus on Global Warming

    • I would like to inform Mr. Novella that consensus is not a scientific term. He should make his decisions based on evidence, rather than basing them on a consensus (I thought that’s what skeptics were supposed to do).It would also serve Mr. (sic) Novella well to reaquaint himself with his list of logical fallacies. His argument for the existance and seriousness of anthropogenic global warming is clearly reliant on the argument from authority. He believes in global warming because there is a consensus.Real skeptics follow the evidence. I suggest that Steve do some actual research before reaching a conclusion, and if he finds some evidence to support his predetermined conclusion, then he should discuss that on the show. Evidence for or against the idea of global warming would be more informative than a broken-record repetition of ‘consensus, consensus, consensus…’Mark GoddardUS
    • Audio e-mail fromJoel ‘Jokermage’ Kerbrat

    Science or Fiction

    • Item #1 Fiction

      New study finds that in general people become progressively less happy as they get older.

    • Item #2 Science

      Astronomers have discovered a giant intergalactic ball of hot gas – 100 million degrees and 3 million light years in diameter.

    • Item #3 Science

      Robotics scientists have developed artificial sensors able to give robots touch sensation so discriminating they can discern Lincoln’s image on a penny.

    Skeptical Quote of the Week.