Episode #706

News Items

Who's That Noisy

  • Answer to last wee: Hummingbird

Science or Fiction

  • Item #1 Science

    You startle a grizzly bear with her three cubs. The bear charges you and knocks you to the ground. You should roll onto your stomach and play dead. http://www.bearsmart.com/play/bear-encounters/

  • Item #2 Science

    Your best defense against an aggressive bear is bear pepper spray.

  • Item #3 Fiction

    You come across a black bear with a dear carcass. They stomp the ground and roar. You should stand tall and make a loud noise, but not run.

Skeptical Quote of the Week.

“Instead of being afraid of that darkness, we should bring everyone to the edge of it and say: Look! Here is an area that needs illumination Bring fire, torches, candles — anything you can think of that will cast light. Then we can lay down our foundations and build our great buildings, cure diseases, invent fabulous new machines, and whatever else we think the human race should be doing. But first of all we need some light.” ― Eugenia Cheng, category theory mathematician, author of How To Bake Pi