Episode #506
News Items
Science or Fiction
Item #1
A new analysis finds that beetles as a group have an extremely low extinction rate, which is partially responsible for their extensive diversity. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-03/nesc-bbo031615.php
Item #2
Flies have a stunted pair of hind wings that rapidly vibrate and act as gyroscopes, detecting pitch, yaw, and roll in flight. http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-03/uow-nrs031815.php
Item #3
A new study finds that people generally become more distrusting and suspicious as they become older. http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2015/03/027.html
Skeptical Quote of the Week.
“The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification.” ― Thomas Henry Huxley